Black Fringe Sneak Peak

What Do You Want To Know?


Jeg har stadig ikke fået nogle spørgsmål på min spørgerunde, ud over nogle rigtig gode nogle fra min veninde, så jeg laver en video om lidt, men ville lige en sidste gang prøve at se, om jeg ikke kunne få nogle flere spørgsmål. Det ville gøre mig så glad. Bare sjove, små spørgsmål jeg kan svare på i videoen <3


I still have not had any questions on my ask post, besides some really good ones from my friend, so I will make a video soon, but just wanted to try one last time to see if anyone has any questions. It would make me so happy. Just fun, lille questions I can answer in the video <3

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2 kommentarer

  • Paige

    Hi gorgeous,
    I have been following your lovely blog, I have few questions:
    1. How did you know the brand “Spell designs”? What’s the reason that make you like this brand? 🙂
    2. What’s your goal in your life?
    3. Have you ever planned to come to Australia? 😉

    Looking forward your video! X

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    • Hi lovely! Oh, I’m so happy to hear you are a reader! I love your instagram and your style (:
      Thank you so much for your questions, I answered them all in a video I’m about to post now on my blog.
      Again, thank you so much! xxx

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Black Fringe Sneak Peak